Custom Card Creator Contest #2
The next card creation contest focuses on land manipulation! Ride the tides.
Faeria CCCC #2
Hello, and welcome to the second Faeria Custom Card Creator Contest (CCCC for short)
It dawned on me that I received no negative reviews, positive feedback, and constructive criticism. That is what I consider some serious success.
I’ve improved my game quite a bit since the last CCCC. Things are cleaner, and scoring has been improved. I also realized I can use some Faeria art at the top of the form. So without further ado, I present to you CCCC #2!
Your goal is to create your very own card that abides by 3 special sets of rules to win some ingame, legitimately awesome prizes. You can create your own card using this special link. https://faeria-cards.com/create/
(Thanks to GameShark for the website :D)
Before you start creating your card, you are more than welcome to create your own image. However, If you are using a third-party image, PLEASE link the URL of the original artwork in the form below. You may also use some of the in-game art as well.
In-game art can be found here:
CCCC #2 Special Rule
Don’t tell me you looked at the title. You already knew it? Well, if you didn’t look at the title, the special CCCC rule is land manipulation. Lands are a huge feature in Faeria. We need new ways to interact with the board. Try to maneuver land into a funky positions, preferably your opponents. Create your own unique way of manipulating land.
Your card will be judged based on a variety of factors ranging in degrees of importance on a point system. Whoever racks up the most points wins. Point value have been slightly tweaked because I want to favor cards that are original, creative, and incorporate the CCCC rule more than being strictly balanced. It also reduces the amount of ties as there are more possible points. This is what you’ll be judged on:
Create a card that isn’t too strong nor too weak. Will be judged out of 10 points.
Creativity & Originality
Create a card that is bursting with creativity and that no one has ever seen before. Will be judged out of 30 points.
CCCC Special Rule
Use the given special CCCC rule to your advantage in as creative of a way as possible. Stay true to the rule. This is the most important part of your card and will be judged out of 40 points.
There is a total of 80 possible points. If you get all 80, you are a Faeria card creating genius!
If you have a new keyword you’d like to introduce, please specify and explain it in the form. Note: It will not give you extra points. However, it will go towards your Creativity & Originality points.
Form Submission
Here’s the place to send you cards to me. You can submit any amount of cards, but you can only win one prize. Your best card will be chosen. Beware, I am not an easy judge. You have been warned!
Submissions are due no later than 11:59 November 26, CEST
The three best cards will be chosen and awarded with ingame rewards! Isn’t technology fabulous?
- 1st Place: 2500 gold + 1 Pandora Coin
- 2nd Place: 1000 gold + 1 Pandora Coin
- 3rd Place: 1 Pandora Coin (Thanks to Atmaz and Abrakam for the ingame prizes!)
If you have any questions you can contact me via the Faeria Discord (DeezNuggets#8176)