Welcome to The Hub
We are extremely excited to be introducing our new community website. Our team has been hard at work in order to make it possible for every Faeria player to enjoy sharing their excitement for our game.
The Hub is the product of our team’s efforts to improve the resources available to our most important people: You, the players.
We have always wanted a centralized community location for people to gather, discuss, and build on each others’ ideas.
The Hub will be that, and much more.
What about PlayFaeria.com and Faeria.GamersOrigin.com?
One year ago, we setup key partnerships with Gosugamers (PlayFaeria.com) and GamersOrigin (faeria.gamersorigin.com) to create community websites for our English and French players. Those community websites have been awesome for helping us understand more about what you want and what you expect from us as we grow.
It became really clear with Faeria’s upcoming 1.0 launch, as well as with our mobile release coming later this year, that we needed to stretch further and build something that would empower our players to discuss strategies, share decks, and help other players.
With that in mind, we went back to the drawing board and started building something from scratch that would do just that.
The Hub was born.
While this does mean PlayFaeria and GamersOrigin will be closing their doors, we’ll be opening a lot of brand new, exciting ones. At a later stage, we plan to further expand The Hub into the Faeria client itself, allowing us to highlight community content directly in game, as well as the website.
Introducing: The Hub
Key Features:
- Articles: You will be able to read up on all the content you are used to seeing on Faeria.com/news, as well as other news from the community, recaps of the best content of the week, recaps of recent Monthly Cups and much more.
- Decks: That’s right: We now have an online deck builder for you to use. You will be able to create and save decks, link them to guides, rate them, sort them, and search for them. You will have the ability to share your deck with anyone with a simple link, and anyone can leave comments behind.
- Guides: Guides can cover anything from beginner topics to advanced levels of play. You will be able to link guides to your own decks, or write about something completely different. You can easily tell a guide’s intended difficulty level and know whether it’s written with you in mind or not.
- Videos and livestreams: You will be able to browse all Faeria related videos as well as watch exclusive Faeria content all in one place. Come on, we don’t call it “The Hub” for nothing.
- Discourse integration: The Hub will be directly linked with our official boards, which use Discourse software. In short, this means that anything posted to The Hub will be simultaneously posted to brand new forum categories specifically made for The Hub. Any comments and/or likes there translate directly to The Hub.
- The foundation: We plan on rolling out even more features for The Hub over time. Consider this a base from which we will build upon and improve, with the help of your feedback.
- Public API: We are working on a public API that community architects and builders can use to create vast and dynamic content directly on The Hub. One way of putting is: We’d like to “Open Source” The Hub at some point in the future, once we establish the correct means of doing this.
Will there be languages featured other than English?
At this time, no. However, we will be watching things closely, and if we see a large enough demand for a certain other language we will work at making it available.
Many of you are aware we use the FaeriaTV channel on Twitch for Monthly Cup broadcasts, but we’re looking at ways of expanding this further by utilizing The Hub. We want FaeriaTV to be more active and act as a common area for players to gather, watch, and be engaged.
We’ll have more to share on this later.
Aquablad on board
To help us create exciting and helpful content for Faeria, we have brought on Aquablad (Nick as you may know him) as a new Content and Community Manager. A routine streamer and writer for PlayFaeria.com, Nick will be overseeing content creation on The Hub, as well as helping Gary (Atmaz) manage our ever-growing Faeria community.
Here is what Aquablad had to say about The Hub:
Nick “Aquablad” Secker “I’m very excited to be a part of Abrakam and to be given the opportunity to be able to represent the community. I’ve been with Faeria for almost a year and I’ve watched both the game and it’s community grow into something wonderful. Being involved in Faeria has been extremely rewarding and I hope my contributions will continue to help players of all levels.”
On with the content already!
There’s nothing holding you back - you can go and create content right now. There are already a base amount of articles and guides populating The Hub, but it’s hungry for more. Fill it with your delicious brain thoughts.
Already wrote a guide before The Hub existed? No problem - post it here too! Posting it to The Hub will allow players to find it more easily and rate it if they found it helpful. With a lot of ratings, your posts will gain more exposure and help even more players
We’d like to close by giving a very special thanks to the Wedeho and Phenomen studios for their quality work in helping us put The Hub together. It wouldn’t have been possible without them, and now it won’t be possible without you.
- The Faeria Team
Hey guys ! Amazing work ! will be a nice tool for beginners and all others players!
It`s a very pretty site! Well done )
Guys can you redirect me to the API m a developer and i would like to do some stuff