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Metashaker deckbuilding contest #8 - Oversky week #4

The last cards are revealed — time to unsheathe your decks for the final battle!

Posted by Bobrokrot


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Hello there! Are you tired of meta already? The last week's meta was quite diverse I would say. But even more new cards are coming and I can't even imagine what decks we are going to see this week on the ladder and Monthly Cup!

The fifth island of the Oversky is opening its gates on Tuesday, September 5th as well as the fourth Metashaker deckbuilding contest Oversky edition. Discover new cards, make an awesome deck using them, share it with us and win a bunch of gold!


The task is to make the most original, fun yet viable deck using one or several cards from the expansion. The winner's deck will be the one with the most original idea and which uses the chosen cards as efficiently as possible.


  • The deck must contain at least one copy of the new Oversky cards from the fifth island, Gaea's Navel. You can see these cards here.
  • You may submit only one deck.
  • You may only submit your own creations. It is prohibited to submit someone else's deck.
  • The contest ends on Monday, September 11th. The winner will be determined in a few days after.

Determining the winner

  • The following factors are considered when choosing a winner:
    • The amount of synergy and possible interactions the chosen cards have with the other cards in the deck.
    • What role the given card fills in the deck, how efficiently it does so.
    • How original and fun the deck is.
    • The overall deck viability in the current meta.
  • The winner will be chosen by the jury:
    • Luuu90
    • Bobrokrot

How to submit the deck

  • To submit a deck you need to submit this form:
  • It may be a screenshot from the ingame deckbuilder or the Hub or the link to deck posted on the Hub.
  • When you provide us with the link to deck posted on the Hub make sure that you have published your deck (in the deck editor go to Preview -> Publish).
  • If the new Oversky cards are not added to the Hub yet you may use replacements. Just add some random cards, preferably Pandora cards, instead of the card missing on the Hub and write in the description what card it is supposed to replace.
  • You may also write a deck description but it is optional. If you feel that there is something special that we absolutely must know about your deck — feel free to write about it!


  • 1st place: 5000 gold
  • 2nd place: 2500 gold
  • 3rd place: 1000 gold

Thanks to Atmaz and Abrakam for the prizes!

Aasgier 06/09/2017 08:28

The link leads to Metashaker #7. Dates are correct so it may just be a typo.

Bobrokrot 06/09/2017 12:20

You are right, the link is correct but there is just a typo in the title. I have fixed it, thank you.
