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Introducing Team Zenith

A new team has been formed with a roster of serious competitors!

Posted by Aquablad


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Faeria has a wealth of powerful teams. Team Equilibrium, Team Frost and Team Addicted have rosters of the best Faeria players in the game. However, Hunter has announced a new powerhouse to the competitive scene with Team Zenith!

Let's take a look at the roster:

Team Zenith

  • Aetherllama
  • Hunter
  • Minocaro
  • Ranma
  • Sfasano
  • SuperbLizard
  • Zarrockar

Hunter has been a long time member of the Faeria scene and has brought together a roster of rising stars.

Minocaro qualified for the Battle of the Gods tournament last month. Ranma created the popular Twin Souls Jumper deck. SuperbLizard is responsible for the infamous Green Yellow Rush.

I asked Hunter how this team was formed:

"I wanted to improve so I thought joining a team would be the best way to do that. All the teams were full so I started a team and asked around for people to join. I'm currently taking astronomy and thats where I got the name.”

Minocaro qualified for the monthly cup through the open qualifier. He also had two accounts reach the top 15 of last season. Minocaro is showing his dedication to becoming a household name in competitive Faeria.

Decabytes 03/04/2017 18:17

Welcome Team Zenith!

J0k3se 04/04/2017 18:19


I really hope you guys do well! I absolutely LOVE the videos that @Minocaro puts on youtube! :slight_smile: <3

Jeffbert 04/04/2017 19:07

Link pls…

Minocaro 06/04/2017 13:08

Thanks Decabytes :slight_smile:

J0k3se, always here to make people happy :stuck_out_tongue:

Jeffbert : Link of my Yt channel :wink:

Jeffbert 06/04/2017 16:23

Thank you! I like your videos. Subscribed!
Do you change languages midgame? Some parts have english cards and some french :smiley:
