How to report a bug
We're aware of some issues being reported over the last couple weeks or so about increased latency, lag, or otherwise slow performance in-game. We're mostly unable to reproduce these issues in-house, but have made some adjustments today that may help things.
If they don't help you, however, we'd love to know more about it.
What's the best way to report a bug?
Now may be a good time to remind everyone the best way to report any bug, including things like this.
Official Bug Report Form
Submitting anything via this form will reach us. If we need more amplification, we may reply and ask for further details. Otherwise, we'll do our best to reproduce the problem ourselves and find a fix.
Official Discord
You can also directly message some of us in our Discord channel if that makes it easier for you.
Official Support Email
If you need to attach any files that can't be linked, you may want to send us an email directly. It goes to the same place.
- Our support email address:
Remember to include this sort of information whenever possible:
- Your SupportID, if the problem is unique to your account
- This can be found in your friends list and is a short series of letters and numbers.
- Any steps to reproduce the problem reliably
- If the problem is a crash, include any relevant crash logs in the report.
- Depending on your operating system you can find the file "output_log.txt" at "%APPDATA%/../LocalLow/Abrakam/Faeria." This is what we usually need.
Basically, use any of the above methods that are most convenient for you. We'll do what we can to resolve the problem as fast as we can. Crashes and game disrupting problems take the highest priority.
Thank you for your continued reports!
Seifer Open #1 Results
- 1st. Amoeba - Denmark
- 2nd. xged - Lithuania
- 3rd. TheTrueQuAz - Ireland
- 4th. Brazzuca - Brazil
November Tournaments
- Seifer Open #2
- Saturday, November 23rd 12:00 CET
Decks of the Week
Amoeba's Seifer Open Decks
Amoeba finished first place in the most recent Seifer Open. Here is his full decklist:
Have a good weekend!