Blossoms of War - a Resurgence story
Ulani, a prisoner in her own realm, seeks desperately for a way to save her people. The first chapter of Blossoms of War begins the tale of the Resurgence.
Is it a llama? Is it a unicorn? Or is it a llama mixed with corn? No, it's a Llamacorn, and it is not in a good mood.
While you may have encountered Enslaved Priests before, we'll now be introducing an untainted Priest of Everlife to power up your creatures, potentially even your Llamacorns.
The next part of Resurgence will introduce these two new cards into the game on October 23rd.
The Kaios Challenge
Last week, you were challenged to raise Kaios or 275 or greater. Not only did a few of you achieve this, but some got much higher than expected.
Since you did so great of a job with that one, we have another challenge for you:
Can you reach over 2000 Faeria against the AI without using Feed the Forest?
Warning: This one is very difficult. If you're able to achieve this, use the link above to make your submission and win some gems!
The KrogCast
The first ever KrogCast took place yesterday! In case you missed it:
It even contains a new card reveal! Make sure to follow Frostyreindeer's Twitch channel for more KrogCasts in the future.
Khalim Open #5 Results
Last weekend's Khalim Open winners:
- 1st. Sunekichi : $200 + 100 FWC points
- 2nd. ESofDawn : $125 + 75 FWC points
- 3rd. RaiZo : $75 + 60 FWC points
- 4th. Calussien: 40 FWC points
- View the final brackets here
- See the final results for Season of Khalim FWC Points here
Helpful Guides and Videos
Fan Fiction: An Unlikely Hero Audiobook
"An Unlikely Hero" is a short story by Jason Guy featuring characters from Faeria. This tale follows Ella and her furry yak companion as they work to free their village from the throes of oppressive rats.
Ruins of Maeris - Choose your Adventure story
Join Khalim as he travels to the remote jungle ruins of Maeris in search of Sharra, Dragonslayer. What adventures await in the remote north? Let's find out!
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BoBBiN's fantasies
BoBBiN has coalesced his inner-most desires into one single, tangible balance patch that exists only within the confines of his mind.
Decks of the Week
Khalim Open #5 Decks
- GR Salamander - by Sunekichi
- RY Slow Burn - by ESofDawn
- Yellow Flyers - by RaiZo
Featured Decks
- Blue Shrink - by aqword
- RY Flyers - by TofuWarrior
- YAKSAKATTAK! - by Menedil
- jyori style RY burn - by jyori
- Anti-swarm RY events - by aqword
Upcoming Tournaments
Season of Seifer
- HTL S2 League III
- Saturday, October 6th, 9am EST
- Midweek Madness #3
- Wednesday, October 10th, 9am EST
- Seifer Open #1
- Saturday, October 13th 18:00 CEST
- Seifer Open#2
- Saturday, October 20th 12:00 CEST