Now hiring
Tired of Krog being way too overpowered?
You can finally make a difference.
Abrakam is looking to hire two talented game designers with passion and expertise related to card games in order to help us continue to ramp up Faeria and bring other successful titles to life. If you're a passionate gamer who understands the ins and outs of strategy card games then you might be just the person we are looking for to come and join our team in Liège, Belgium, where we will be offering you a unique opportunity to help us shape the future of Abrakam while bonding with some amazing people.
Game design contest
In order to help us select new team members, we're putting out a game design "contest" for anyone to participate in. This contest is open for one full week, submissions are allowed until the 11th of July 2017. We'll take the best entries and begin further discussions and interviews with those individuals.
We look forward to your submission.
Other opportunities
You don't need to be able to design the perfect yak to be on our team - we have other positions open at this time as well.
Here are some other opportunities we have available:
Think you've got what it takes? Feel free to submit your application. We'd love to hear from you.
- The Faeria Team