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Deck Doctor - Green Red Crackthorn

Posted by Aquablad on 01/04/2017

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Welcome back to Deck Doctor! This week we will take a look at Green Red Crackthorn, a bad match-up for Yellow Rush.

Read the deck linked to this guide
  • 3 1 Sagami Warrior 3
  • 4 1 Wood Elemental 3
  • 2 2 Ruunin's Guidance 1
  • 3 1 Axe Grinder 3
  • 6 3 Groundshaker 3
  • 6 3 3 Crackthorn Beast 3
  • 4 3 Sagami Grovecaller 3
  • 3 2 Elderwood Embrace 3
  • 5 3 Seifer, Blood Tyrant 1
  • 3 2 Flame Burst 3
  • 2 2 Seifer's Wrath 3
  • 4 2 Voice of Truth 1

Deck Doctor - Green Red Crackthorn

Welcome back to Deck Doctor! This week we will take a look at Green Red Crackthorn, a bad match-up for Yellow Rush. This is a very good deck for ladder climbing and a lot of fun if you haven't tried it before!

Jeffbert 01/04/2017 11:05

Can the next one be about yellow/red scourgeflame? That would be awesome :smiley:
Anyway, thank you! Such videos always help me a lot

Jeffbert 01/04/2017 12:35

@xploring didnt we talk about crackthorn? I think I will give it a go :smiley:
Looks awesome and apparently it counters yellow

xploring 01/04/2017 13:07

Yes, I remember. I can play you when you have a deck ready. :smiley:

DavidFindley 01/04/2017 13:34

sagami is OP

Jeffbert 06/04/2017 19:06

What is the difference between deck doctor and deck pilot??

MrMint 06/04/2017 21:05

Deck doctor is analyzing the deck, giving the reason behind each card slot and the synergies between the cards.

Deck pilot is a couple of ranked games where aquablad explain his decisions and goes a little more into match up specific things, that kind of stuff.


matrien 18/07/2017 03:44

Just lost to this deck, so decided to research it here. Thanks, as always, for the thorough analysis. It’s a pretty expensive deck for me to craft right now, but I can’t wait to try it out as soon as I can.


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