An alphabetical list of all the special card interactions in the game that you may not know about.
- by Moonfassa
Last updated: Aug 13, 2023
Board Order
This is the order of operations for any identical abilities or triggers, including the order creatures harvest Faeria in. This is always from the perspective of the active player (whomever's turn it is).
Amai Merchant
Cards added to your opponent's hand are given in the order they were shown to you, from left to right. This is helpful to know if your opponent has 8 cards in hand (1 less than max hand size).
There are 53 possible cards to pick from, each one having a 5.66% chance to be found (note that this card now only gives cards that cost exactly 5).
Ancient Beastmaster
"Summon abilities" have a certain order of operations which can be found at the end of this article.
Some notable interactions:
- Beastmaster's check happens before Tiki Totem, Herald of War, Shifting Octopus and Triton Trainer, preventing you from gaining a Beastmaster buff on 4 life creatures with these cards
- Beastmaster's buff isn't applied until after Illusion of Grandeur's check, so this extra +1/+1 will not be given to Illusion
- Gift effects trigger after the Beastmaster buff is applied, allowing you to get this buff on an already 5 life Deepwood Stalker before the Stalker fights an enemy creature.
Animated Banquet
Order of end of turn effects:
- Doomsday
- Drowning*
- Ruunin
- Wavecrafter
- Haunted Husk
- Triton Adventurer
- Tiki Adventurer
- Keldran Adventurer
- Ogre Adventurer
- Compass of Gagana
- Animated Banquet
- Crystal Flower
- Creatures that die at end of turn (Flash Salmon, Hydra Head, Wind Soldier)
If there are multiple of the same card (for example 2 animated banquets on board), those effects will happen in board order. This is the ONLY situation where board order will come into play. Each card will only trigger once per turn.
Note: Dancing Blade (Pandora only) untested
This ordering means that a creature escaping from a Crystal Flower at the end of turn, will not swallow Animated Banquet.
Aryana will revert to the base card upon returning to your hand (4 Faeria, 2 desert, 4/2 stats), EVEN if they had previously been modified.
Temporary buffs* from cards like Windborne Emissary or Orphan Fugu will apply AFTER they change into a 6/6.
The same is true for cards like Gabrian Enchantment and Gabrian Enchantress.
Aurora's Creation
The copy from creation will revert the card to its original stats, land cost, and Faeria cost (minus 5), with ONE exception:
Cards that have player-based conditions such as Wavecrash Colossus, will NOT copy your opponent's conditions but they WILL copy your conditions. Wavecrash in this case will count how many times YOU have harvested since the beginning of this game.
Any card that deals with copies will function the same way. A list of these cards can be found at the end of this article.*
Aurora's Trick
The creature you gain control of will always have summoning sickness, regardless of when it was played. Unless it has haste in which case it can move/attack/collect as normal.
Using trick on a creature that has a "until your/ your opponent's next turn" effect active, such as Monkey Genius or a Dune Drake transformed via Rakoan Illusionist, will extend the effect to last until YOUR next turn (the turn after trick is played) or your opponent's next turn in Monkey's case.
Balloon Fish
Balloon Fish cannot be played unless you have another creature on board. This is probably a bug since it's not explicitly stated on the card.
If the only creatures you have on board are untargetable (such as creatures with divine, you CAN play Balloon Fish but it will die as the card text states.
You cannot voluntarily cancel Balloon Fish's ability.
Barter will create a COPY* of the discovered card. Your opponent will not lose their card.
Battle Toads
You can right click to cancel placing the second battle toad. However, you MUST have 2 unoccupied lakes to play the card.
If you left click on the same spot twice, you will only spawn one Battle Toad. This has relevancy with Mistral Guide as explained later in this article.
The frogs themselves are blue creatures and MUST be placed on lakes (even if the Battle Toads card itself is wild). This is important to keep in mind if you want to use cards like Barter or Three Wishes.
Blossoming Kodama
The created forests CAN overwrite neutral prairies.
If these cards have reached their minimum cost reduction limits, their abilites won't work anymore but other cost reduction effects still will.
Primeval Colossus works differently and is discussed later in this article.
Coral Polliwog
Polliwog will collect from a well FIRST, before its gift triggers, meaning you can potentially collect from two wells with it.
Crystal Spice
List of possible targets:
- Siege Engine
- Walking Fortress
- Yak Attack
- Oak Father
- Primeval Colossus
- Apex Predator
- Spirit Spice
- Coral Polliwog
- Gabrian Warden
- Illusion of Grandeur
- Mirror Phantasm
- Dream Reaver
- Wavecrash Colossus
- Stormspawn
- Windfall
- Icerock Behemoth
- Gemshell Tortoise
- Battle Rager
- Boulder Thrower
- Kobold Warlord
- Barbarian Ogre
- Bold Bargainer
- Hate Seed
- Hellfire
- Ogre Battler
- Red Devil
- Volcanic Colossus
- Meteor
- Scourgeflame Specter
- Doomsday
- Windstorm Colossus
There are 31 possible cards to pick from, each one having an 18.42% chance to be found at least once (for one entire Crystal Spice). More statistics can be found below for playing two or three copies of Spice and the probability of finding at least one of a card (across all copies of Spice).
One Spice | Two spice | Three spice |
18.42% | 33.44% | 45.70% |
Note that this card causes some visual bugs to occur where buffed creatures have some of their stats taken away. This is purley visual and those creatures will still have all buffs given to them.
Demon Wrangler
If you sacrifice a creature with last words, such as Rakoan Shieldmates, the entire creature will be replaced with Demon Wing and you will lose your last words summon.
Sacrificing a swallowed creature, such as Balloon Fish, will NOT summon a Demon Wing. The swallowed creature will emerge instead.
Desert Twister
You may teleport aquatic creatures to a desert you control. Though they will die at the end of their controller's turn as usual.
Divine Guardian
If you have multiple Divine Guardians on board when you take lethal damage, all of them will die.
Creatures will die in board order.
Any creatures that have been swallowed will survive a Doomsday. The same goes for creatures that spawn with last words, such as Shield Mates and Manta Rider.
The effects of Doomsday will happen in order of card text, which means that drowning will occur AFTER the "destroy all creatures" effect, but BEFORE the end turn effect. Because of this, if a swallowed creature does not have aquatic or flying and is over an ocean space, it will die as well (see the below example of Balloonfish and Biomancer both dying). A full, ordered list of end of turn effects can be found at the end of this article.*
If a Bloodfire Wisp has been swallowed when Doomsday is played, it will survive and gain buffs for each creature that dies AFTER it (in board order). The same is true for any card that does something upon other creatures dying such as Bone Collector or Flying Piranha. But they will only recognize creatures that die after it in order.
In the below example, you can see how Bone Collector only gets 2 buffs, since there are only 2 creatures that both die adjacent to it, and after it in board order.
When this creature moves into a forest, it will not collect Faeria from an adjacent well unless you cancel the teleport trigger. If it does teleport, it will collect from any wells adjacent to its new position.
Interaction with Sagami Grovecaller: If you choose to teleport Dwordia using Grovecaller's ability, the first forest he teleports to will give you a SECOND teleport trigger if there is an open forest. He will ONLY get a +1/+1 buff if he teleports this second time.
Egg of Wonders
Egg of Wonders appears to transform into the drawn creature and follows all rules of transform, apart from several bugs which can be found below (the later three bugs exist with other transform effects as well). See keyword rulings for more information on transform.
There are currently 5 bugs with this card:
On your next turn, AFTER you play this card (and all following turns), if egg becomes a copy of a creature, that creature cannot move or attack. HOWEVER it will collect from any adjacent wells and corrupt abilities can also be activated (if triggered by a movement trick). None of this is true if Egg transforms in the same turn you play it though.
Haste creatures that emerge from this will be able to move three times.
A Carassius that emerges from Egg will count as two deaths towards your total Carassius count when it dies. This does not count as an extra death for any other reasons, for example with Soul Eater.
A Soul Eater that emerges from Egg will gain stats for each friendly creature that died this game.
- A Firebringer that emerges from Egg will gain stats for each friendly creature you've played with higher attack than life.
These bugs are also consistent with other transform effects.
As a side note, this is the card needed for the !egg steam achievement (people confuse this with the old eggbot sometimes).
These buffs do NOT behave like regular temporary buffs*. They are treated as permanent buffs unless their land requirement drops bellow 2 (through land destruction or otherwise losing control of the land). If this happens, it will SUBTRACT whatever stats it had been given, potentially meaning death.
Because they are treated as permanent buffs, this means Humbling Vision will halve whatever stats are showing on board, and Voice of Truth will set an Explorer's stats to 3/3, unlike other temporary buffs would.
Failed Experiment
This is a permanent discount, meaning cards like Illusion of Grandeur will synergize with the reduced creature.
Any gift abilities will trigger BEFORE the creature dies. This is based on a certian order that can be found at the end of this guide under "summon abilities"
Interaction with Majinata: Since gift abilities trigger first, Majinata will avoid the death effect from Failed if it gets swallowed by a friendly creature. If it is not swallowed (ie. no friendly creatures on board), it will die as usual.
You cannot use temporary board-reliant buffs* to give this a +1/+1 through cards such as Kobold Barracks or Windborne Emissary.
The same is true for every other attack buff given from summon abilities*
Flight of the Mantas
These mantas must be played on either a desert or a lake, regardless if Flight of the Mantas has become wild through cards like Barter.
Manta has a base cost of 3 (for the purpose of Orosei or copying).
There is currently a bug when you try to draw Flight of the Mantas with 8 cards in hand. You will draw one copy, but the other copy will be placed back on top of your deck.
Gagana, Rainbow Birdship
Crew Members:
- Cartographer
- Hunted Outlaw
- Rakoan Reveller
- Rakoan Shieldmates
- Storyteller
- Tiki Piper
- Triton Chef
Grappling Hook
Combat abilities will trigger when the ranged creature attacks something. The combat trigger happens first, then you can choose to teleport your creature.
After using this card on a beast, if you use Hunt Down on the same creature, you will be able to teleport that creature adjacent to the Hunt Down target. You will then be able to take your regular attack (which is ranged until end of turn) and teleport a second time (adjacent to the new target). This is true for any targetable fight creature (currently only Hunt Down).
Note that while using Hunt Down, the enemy creature will still fight back and your creauture may be damaged.
Hate Seed
You cannot use temporary board-reliant buffs* to reduce Hate Seed's cost through cards such as Kobold Barracks or Windborne Emissary.
The same is true for every other attack buff given from summon abilities*
Humbling Vision
"Base stats" is not the clearest of wordings for this card. This card checks a creature's CURRENT stats on board EXCEPT for temporary buffs* like Windborne Emissary or Orphan Fugu.
Example: Orphan Fugu has been given an Elderwood Embrace, and you have another beast on board. It is now showing as a 7/9. Humbling Vision will ignore the temporary attack buff from its ability, treat it as a 5/9, reduce its stats to 2/4, then give back the temporary buff finally making it a 4/4.
Hunt Down
"Fighting" counts as an attack for all purposes of combat abilities and anything else relating to attacking. However, it does NOT use up that creature's attack action for the turn. They can move and attack as normal, even after Hunt Down has been played.
Hunt Down is unaffected by Taunt.
Illusion of Grandeur
(note this now has 1/1 base stats)
Cards with TEMPORARY cost reductions* such as Dark Stalker and Ancient Boar will revert to their base costs (minus permanent reductions) BEFORE Illusion's ability and therefore Illusion will not get the buffs.
Permanent cost reductions such as Ogre Dance WILL work with Illusion's ability (including if Stalker or Boar recieve permanent cost reductions in this way).
A list of all temporary discount cards and order of operations for summoning abilities can be found at the end of this article.
Iona cannot be attacked by fight creatures such as Deepwood Stalker since fighting counts as an attack.
If Iona gains taunt, she CAN be attacked by adjacent enemies.
Kaios, Demented Overmind
Kaios will also Drain 1 life from itself. All damage is dealt in board order. This means that if Kaios has only 1 life, it will die upon corrupting unless there is another "thing" before it in board order. He will harvest Faeria from any adjacent wells before he dies though.
Krog's Dinner
Multiple Krog's Dinners will stack their discounts.
If your Krog has been transformed this game, Dinner will not be able to bring him back since Krog technically didn't die.
If you have a full hand of 9 cards and draw Krog from your deck, he will be discarded as usual, but this will count as Krog dying and Dinner can bring him back.
Majinata, Spirit of Everlife
You CANNOT cancel Majinata's gift ability if you have valid friendly targets. Majinata can be played on an empty board, unlike Balloon Fish, but no buffs are given.
Mirror Phantasm
Transform effects remove all abilites on the target, meaning that haste creatures will loose haste and will follow normal summoning sickness rules if they have just been played that turn.
Mistral Guide
"Summon abilities" have a certain order of operations which can be found at the end of this article.
Notably, gift and dash will both trigger AFTER Mistral Guide.
Example (gift): Summoning Axe Grinder next to Mistral Guide will FIRST trigger Guide's ability, ask you to dash it somewhere, THEN it will check Grinder's ability to see if it is next to an enemy well.
Example (dash): Summoning Rakoakopter next to Mistral Guide will first trigger Guide's ability, ask you to dash 2, then trigger Kopter's dash ability, ask you to dash 1, then finally trigger Kopter's gift ability.
Interaction with jump creatures: A creature with jump will be able to dash to any open space within 2 tiles (not just in a straight line and you can dash over obstacles).
Interaction with swallow: If a creature is released from a swallow and is adjacent to Mistral Guide, it will NOT gain flying and dash 2.
The only exception to this rule is a bug with Bloated Toad where if you kill an enemy Bloated Toad on your turn and it is adjacent to your Mistral Guide, the 2/2 frog under Bloated Toad will gain flying and dash 2 (even if your Mistral Guide dies in the process). This will not work if it is your opponent's turn when the Bloated Toad dies.
Interaction with Battle Toads: You can summon both Battle Toads using the same space as long as you dash the first one away. The triggers will happen in the following order:
(1) Select the first frog's land. (2) Select the second frog's land (can choose the same land as the first). (3) First frog is summoned. Choose where to dash it. (4) Second frog is summoned. Choose where to dash it.
Interaction with Coral Polliwog: (Bugged) Does not recieve dash 2, but does recieve flying.
Interaction with Monstrous Hydra: Hydra head spawns will pause whenever one spawns adjacent to Mistral Guide to allow you to dash it. More hydra heads will continue to spawn in the exact same spot until it has spawned 6 total hydra heads.
Interaction with Oversky Towship: If Towship is originally summoned on a land, its land will move with it while it dashes.
Interaction with Rain of Fish: The fish spawns will pause whenever one lands adjacent to Mistral Guide to allow you to dash it somewhere, then continue spawning. The fish damage will happen BEFORE it dashes.
Interaction with Yak Attack: After you click the first summoning spot for a yak, it will ask you if you want to dash it before moving on to the second and third yaks. However, you cannot click the same spot you clicked for the previous yaks (ie. you must have 3 DIFFERENT lands available to summon all 3 yaks).
Orosei's ability will count the CURRENT cost of each creature, including any discounts that were given to a creature. For example, if your Wavecrash Colossus was discounted to 4, it will only transform into a 6 cost.
Note that TEMPORARY cost reductions* on cards such as Dark Stalker and Ancient Boar will immedietely revert to their base costs (minus permanent reductions) upon touching the board.
When a creature transforms, it should always have the base stats of that card (ie no buffs/debuffs).
If there are no possible transforms (for example, there is nothing that costs 2 more than Tarum), it will transform into another creature of the same cost if any. Otherwise, it will transform into the same creature (removing all stat changes).
The only 2 cards that will change costs while on the board are Radiance and Primeval Colossus.
There are 4 bugs with transform:
Haste creatures will be able to move three times.
A Carassius will count as two deaths towards your total Carassius count when it dies (only tested with Egg of Wonders but probably works the same).
A creature that transforms into Soul Eater will gain stats for each friendly creature that died this game.
- A creature that transforms into Firebringer will gain stats for each friendly creature you've played with higher attack than life.
Oversky Towship
Towship's land will always follow it, as long as Towship ends its movement on an ocean space (even if it charges across other lands).
Oversky Yak
Functions the same as the Explorers in that it's buffs do NOT behave like regular temporary buffs*. It is treated as a permanent buff unless you drop below 6 prairies, in which case Oversky Yak will get -2/-2, potentially meaning death.
Possessed Ursus
Possessed Ursus will double its attack, INCLUDING temporary stats gained from cards like Kodama Beast Tender and Kobold Barracks. If these temporary buffs go away, Ursus will only lose 2 attack.
Primeval Colossus
Primeval Colossus will ALWAYS cost 1 less for each special land you have (even on board).
Like all colossi, this CAN be discounted through other cost reduction cards as well, potentially dropping it below 6 cost. However, UNLIKE other colossi, Primeval's ability will still work even if it is below 6 cost, and only stop once you've reached 10 lands.
The temporary discount from Simulacrum will disappear once Primeval hits the board, but any permanent discounts will stay.
Prophet of Tides
You may cancel Prophet's gift ability after the first land move, or before any land moves by right clicking.
Radiance's cost will ALWAYS equal your life total (even on board) regardless of cost reduction cards such as Ogre Dance. If the Ogre Dance hits Radiance, it will still use up the card (even though it has no effect).
Rakoan Illusionist
(note this card now costs 1L2D)
When the targeted creature transforms back, it will lose any previous stat changes (transform will always set a creature to its base stats).
Ruunin will revert to her 5 Faeria/ 3 forest cost upon returning to your hand (even if these were previously modified). The ONLY stat changes she will keep, are the ones from her ability (stacking each time she dies).
Sagami Grovecaller
You may teleport a friendly aquatic creature to a forest you control. Though it will die at the end of your turn as usual.
Seed of Paradise
(note this is now a 1 cost 0/1)
If this creature's gift ability doesn't trigger (for example if Egg of Wonders copies it) it will STILL die when it harvests over the ocean, but will not produce a land.
Seed Sower
The created forest CANNOT overwrite neutral prairies.
Seek Shelter
List of possible targets:
- Defender of the Homeland
- Court Jester
- Imperial Guard
- Monkey Genius
- King's Guard
- Queen's Guard
- Haunted Willow
- Living Willow
- Wood Elemental
- Nekomata
- Grove Guardian
- Wild Avenger
- Tarum, the Forest World
- Skyward Swordfish
- Dream Keeper
- Icerock Behemoth
- Grim Guard
- Ogre Battler
There are 18 possible cards to pick from, each one having a 16.67% chance to be found.
Shozen's ability replaces the death effect, which means last words abilities, or anything else relating to death, won't trigger.
The swallowed creature will revert to its base stats, cost, and land costs.
Probably a bug: Unlike normal swallow abilities that prevent chain swallowing (ie. swallowing a creature that has swallowed something else), Shozen is allowed to swallow a creature that has swallowed something else. The creature in the enemy's belly will disappear though.
Sorocco's ability triggers whenever he moves positions, including if his land is moved by cards like Sunken Tower.
It will not trigger on the tile you first summon him on but WILL trigger with dash effects from Mistral Guide.
Soul Eater
If you have a full hand of 9 cards and draw a creature from your deck, that creature will be discarded as usual, but this will count as one death towards your Soul Eater.
Sunken Tower
If you click on this card on board, you can right click to cancel. However, if you select a land, you cannot cancel. Even if you wait out the turn timer, it will randomly move the land for you.
Swarming Carassius
If you have a full hand of 9 cards and draw this card from your deck, it will be discarded as usual. But this also counts as one death towards your Carassius count.
Three Wishes
If Three Wishes is within the top three cards of your opponent's deck, this card will skip it and copy the fourth card instead (same idea for multiple copies).
The Three Wishes' copies* revert to their original Faeria cost and stats, then count player-based conditions such as Wavecrash Colossus (discounting for each time YOU collected from an enemy well), then discount by an additional 1 for Three Wishes' effect.
Thyrian Expedition
(note that this card now gives cards with 4 or higher total land cost and Thyrian Expedition costs 2 forests/ 2 lakes)
There are 74 possible cards to pick from (since the 2021 patch), each one having a 4.05% chance to be found.
Tiki Totem
"Each turn" includes your opponent's turn. Which means cards summoned through last words on an opponent's turn will gain this buff as well.
"Summon Abilities" have a certain order of operations which can be found at the end of this article.
Some notable interactions:
- 0 life creatures played from hand are prevented from gaining any buffs which means it will not keep Ghost Dragon alive
- Ancient Beastmaster checks for a 5 life creature before Tiki Totem triggers, preventing you from double buffing a 4 life creature
- Tiki Totem's trigger happens before Illusion of Grandeur, meaning you can give this extra +1/+1 buff to Illusion when your first creature summoned on a turn costs 1 or less
Tiki Zoologist
There are 30 possible cards to pick from, each one having a 10% chance to be found.
Triton Trainer
"Summon Abilities" have a certain order of operations which can be found at the end of this article.
Some notable interations:
- Other creatures' gift abilities will trigger BEFORE Triton Trainer's effect. This will prevent cards like Mystic Beast from gaining this +1/+1 buff.
- Shifting Octopus and Orphan Fugu WILL get this buff however, as these cards come after Triton Trainer in the order of operations.
Card draws will happen in the order of card text: green, blue, red, yellow.
Voice of Truth
This will not remove temporary buffs* from cards like Windborne Emissary or Orphan Fugu.
This WILL however remove buffs from Explorers.
Wild Growth
The created forest can override neutral prairies.
Wind Gate
You can summon flying and aquatic creatures on ocean tiles adjacent to Wind Gate.
If you click Wind Gate to activate it and right click to cancel the selection (before moving it), it will use up it's activate ability for the turn and you will not be able to move it until next turn.
Yak Attack
Angry Yaks have a base cost of 3 (for the purpose of Orosei or copying)
Zephyr Vulpine
When this creature moves into a forest, it will not collect Faeria from an adjacent well unless you cancel the teleport trigger. If it does teleport, it will collect from any wells adjacent to its new position.
Terms used in this article
You can find a more comprehensive list of keywords and their descriptions here.
If a card is copied, it will revert to that card's original land cost, Faeria cost, and stats, unless specified otherwise. There is ONE exception:
Cards that have player-based conditions such as Wavecrash Colossus, will NOT copy your opponent's conditions but they WILL copy your conditions. Wavecrash in this case will count how many times you have collected since the beginning of this game. The same applies to any generated card in the game such as effects from discover.
- Auroras Creation
- Egg of Wonders
- Flight of the Mantas
- Gemshell Tortoise
- Spirit Theft
- Three Wishes
- Twinsoul Spirit
- Ulanis Medallion
Whenever a creature or structure without flying or aquatic ends its turn on the ocean, it will drown. Likewise, whenever an aquatic creature ends its turn on a non-lake land, it will drown. Drowning will only occur at the end of the creature's owner's turn, checking only once per hex. For example, if your Rakoan Shieldmates is left over an ocean space, it will die at the end of your turn, but the 1/1 Rakoan that spawns with last words will stay alive until the end of your next turn.
End of Turn Effects
Order of end of turn effects:
- Doomsday
- Drowning*
- Ruunin
- Wavecrafter
- Haunted Husk
- Triton Adventurer
- Tiki Adventurer
- Keldran Adventurer
- Ogre Adventurer
- Compass of Gagana
- Animated Banquet
- Crystal Flower
- Creatures that die at end of turn (Flash Salmon, Hydra Head, Wind Soldier)
If there are multiple of the same card (for example 2 animated banquets on board), those effects will happen in board order. This is the ONLY situation where board order will come into play. Each card will only trigger once per turn.
Note: Dancing Blade (Pandora only) untested
Summon Abilities
When a creature is summoned, it will follow triggers in order of its card text. If multiple creatures trigger their summoning abilities at once, triggers will happen in the following order. This order may prevent a card from getting certain buffs. Cards with multiple summon triggers will run through this list one summon at a time (example: Rain of Fish). Note that a creature released from swallow does not count as being summoned (even though it will have summoning sickness).
Order of triggers:
- Temporary discounts are lost
- Game checks if creature has 0 life and prevents any future buffs that creature could gain, but does not kill the creautre yet (future buffs are lost)
- Ancient Beastmaster checks for a 5 life creature but does not apply the buff yet
- Rain of Fish damage
- Tiki Totem buff
- Illusion of Grandeur/ Firebringer/ Hate Seed abilities trigger
- Path to Paradise checks for a creature but doesn't apply the buff yet
- Mistral Guide's dash & flying ability
- Beastmaster buff applied if earlier check was successful
- Path to Paradise buff applied if earlier check was successful
- Other Dash abilities
- Shifting Octopus buffs applied
- Temporary buffs applied
- Triton Trainer checks for jump creature but does not apply buff yet
- Gift / Lore Thief
- Triton Trainer / Herald of War buffs applied if earlier check was successful
- Crumbling Golem gets damaged
- Failed Experiment creatures and 0 life creatures die
Note that because Roaming Yak has gift printed before dash, card text is prioritized before this list and therefore a Roaming Yak triggers its gift ability first, then dash.
I found a weird bug here that ignored some of these rules but it's not really important to the game so I didn't bother trying to figure out what causes it.
Temporary Buffs
"Temporary" because they require something else to be present in order to get the buff, and this "something else" can be taken away.
These buffs will almost always add the stats AFTER all other calculations are made such as stat changes from Aurora. The one exception to this is Possessed Ursus which doubles temporary buffs as well.
These buffs won't apply until AFTER your creature has been summoned.
- Cloud Machine
- Golden Aviary
- Kobold Barracks
- Kodama Beast Tender
- Orphan Fugu
- Rakoan Chieftain
- Snowstorm Lancer
- War Yak
- Windborne Emissary
- Windstorm Archer
- Windstorm Charger
These buffs will ALWAYS be active (in hand, deck, board) as long as the condition is met. These cards will synergize with Firebringer and Hate Seed but otherwise function the same as a temporary buff.
- Master Swordsman
The Explorers and Oversky Yak are exempt from these lists because they function differently.
Temporary Discounts
Cards with temporary discounts will immediately revert to their base costs upon touching the board (minus any permanent discounts they may have recieved).
- Ancient Boar
- Dark Stalker
- Krogs Dinner
- Shaytan Scavenger
Magda and Simulacrum still need testing.
Radiance and Primeval Colossus are exempt from this list because they function differently.
And for clarity, Failed Experiment counts as a permanent discount.
I know you’re getting a lot of feedback from the discord, so this isn’t the guide’s final state, but it’s already super useful. Thanks for making this ^v^/
Awesome, glad to hear! Yeah I’ve already got a massive list built up of more things to test/add. I’ll put a “last updated” note at the top to let people know when changes have been made last.
Awesome, great to hear! Yeah I’ve got a huge list built up now of things to test/add. I’ve dropped a “last updated” note at the top to let people know when changes have been made.
Oops, wasn’t sure if that first message sent XD