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How to Mulligan

Posted by lbrande on 13/02/2017

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A guide on how to mulligan as good as possible in order to be satisfied with your starting hand as often as possible.

Read the deck linked to this guide
  • 1 Falcon Dive 3
  • 3 2 Gabrian Commander 3
  • 7 2 Mirror Phantasm 3
  • 8 3 Baeru, the First Wave 1
  • 4 2 Gabrian Archon 3
  • 4 2 Battle Toads 2
  • 3 2 Lore Thief 3
  • 3 2 Spring Mochi 3
  • 4 4 Frogify 2
  • 2 2 Sunken Tower 3
  • 4 3 Aurora, Myth Maker 1
  • 10 2 Windfall 3

Why is the mulligan important?

The first few turns of a Faeria game are in most cases also the most important turns. This also means that your starting hand is very important as it constitutes most of the cards that you will be able to play during these turns. As a consequence of this the mulligan is a very important part of a game of Faeria.

What are you looking for?

In order to perform a successful mulligan you first have to ask yourself two questions,

Which cards do I want to see in my starting hand?


Which cards do I NOT want to see in my starting hand?

. The easiest way to answer these questions is to look at the cards in your deck based on how good they are in the beginning of a game.


In order to perform a sucessful mulligan you first have to decide which cards are your essentials. The easiest way to describe an essential is as following:

A starting hand with at least 1 essential is superior to most starting hands with no essential.

Deciding which cards are your essentials isn't easy. I will therefore give you an example of the process by deciding on essentials for the Blue Sevens deck below.

 Blue Sevens

Blue Sevens is a deck that revolves around 7-cost synergies so my essentials should therefore be the cards that gets these synergies going. There are two cards in the deck that are particularly good at this, namely Gabrian Commander and Spring Mochi. These cards will definitely be my essentials, there's just one problem. If I only have 6 essentials in my deck I will only have an essential in my starting hand in about 75% of my games, therefore I will need a couple more essentials. As Blue Sevens has a high average faeria cost it would be a good idea to have some extra harvesters as essentials. The best harvesters in this deck are the Battle Toads so I decide on these also being essentials. 8 total essentials means I will get an essential in 85% of my starting hands, which is good enough. The chance to have an essential in my starting hand would of course go up even more if I decide on even more essentials, however this would also mean I wouldn't get my best essentials as often.

In case you are unsure how many essentials you should have just decide for a certain amount and if it doesn't work you can just try some other amount later.


In order to perform a successful mulligan you not only have to consider which cards are your essentials, but also which cards are good to have together with an essential in a starting hand. These cards are your improvers. Even though deciding which cards are your improvers is a much simpler task than deciding which cards are your essentials I will give you an example.

In the Blue Sevens deck above having an essential in my starting hand means having Gabrian Commander, Spring Mochi or Battle Toads in my starting hand. The cards in the deck which works particularly good together with these cards are Lore Thief, [Card=125]Aurora, Myth Maker[/Card] and Mirror Phantasm, these cards will therefore be my improvers.

How to mulligan?

When you have decided on both your essentials and your improvers it's time to mulligan. When you already know which cards are your essentials and which cards are your improvers the actual mulligan is actually quite simple, just follow the rules below.

  • If you don't draw any essentials, redraw all three cards.
  • Otherwise, redraw all cards which are not improvers, except one essential.

Just in case the second rule sounded complicated I'll give you an example. The hand below shows 2 essentials (which means the second rule applies) and 1 improver. According to the second rule we should keep the Mirror Phantasm (it's an improver) and one of the Spring Mochis (we only need one essential).

Example Mulligan

That's all you need to know in order to perform a successful mulligan. Happy mulliganing!

roder 22/03/2017 04:45

great guide, even a god player can learn a lot from this. one question though, why should we mulligan still if we have 2 essentials? for e.g. i had a mochi and a commander-- why do i mulligan of them and what card would I want to get instead of that mochi/commander?

Ghret 14/05/2017 14:36

You get to choose what you mulligan. You can leave the mochi and commander, and mulligan the extra card if it’s not useful.

MaxisZ 14/05/2017 16:56

Write please main part: Should muligan be non-repeatable?


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