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Turbo Yak Roulette OTK

Posted by xF4C3M3LT0Rx on 08/05/2020

Faeria cost
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Tired of not drawing your combo pieces? Just draw your whole deck then!

This deck aims to draw through most / all of its cards in a single turn (mostly turn 6 or 7), ending the game with a Ruby Yak + Ulani's Medallion + Famine combo. Sometimes you will run out of draw, faeria or lands to play creatures on in your combo turn though (or you just die before then), so good luck! :-)

Combo success rate estimations (very rough guesses):
35% on turn 6 / 75% on turn 7.

I'm not too sure about the optimal number of Smiles / Lore Thiefs / Wisdoms etc. to run yet, I'll update the list if I find a more consistent version.

Tips for before the combo:

- Mulligan for Gagana and Iona's Smile, but also keep one Lore Thief or Storyteller as an early collector.
- Now watch your opponent play the game while doing basically nothing for five turns. Make two lakes, two deserts and a mountain (and play a Lore Thief / Storyteller or two if you have them). You should only play more than one Storyteller / Lore Thief if you have Windfall / Soul Pact in hand, else you might run out of hand space without having playable cards before turn 7. Playing more than two is dangerous because you might not have enough tokens to turn into Ruby Yaks later on if they die.
- You can also make the mountain after turn 5 – try to put it in a spot where the opponent is unlikely to block it, because you might need to play Ruby Yak on it later on if you use your last Feed the Forest on Gagana. If your opponent plays to one side, you can try do double collect on the other.
- Don't make a sixth special land, you will do that via Wild Growth in your combo turn. You'll need five lands to put creatures on to get your five Ruby Yaks for the OTK, so this allows you to double neutral if your opponent steps on some of your lands. If you don't need the extra lands, you can just take an extra draw or +1 (the latter makes using Wild Growth for the sixth special land no worse than just making a forest)
- On turn 6, you're either dead, which is unfortunate, one turn from dead, which means that you have to combo now, or more than one turn from dead, which means that you can draw / double neutral / +1 and wait for turn 7 or possibly even later to combo.

Tips for during the combo:

- Play as quickly as possible! You can easily run out of time if you aren't fast enough.
- Don't overdraw! If you mill a combo piece, you lose. Sometimes this will force you to use Failed Experiment on Lore Thief / Storyteller if you have nine cards in hand.
- If possible, use Failed Experiment on the Triton Stargazers (don't play these without Failed Experiment) and Fugoro.
- If possible, use your first two Feeds on the Thyrian Golems (don't play these without being able to feed them).
- If possible, use your third Feed on Gagana, but only after you assembled all of your other combo pieces (four dudes on board, Medallion from Fugoro, Ruby Yak and Famine). You can play Gagana on the mountain to make sure you don't put anything else there before feeding Gagana and playing Ruby Yak at the end of the combo.
- On turn 6, you pretty much have to hit the optimal Feed and Failed Experiment targets in order to have enough faeria left over for the Medallion + Ruby Yak + Famine combo. On turn 7, you can sometimes feed a Storyteller or something and still win, especially if you got some collections in earlier.

LAND TYPES (by number of cards)


FAERIA COST (by number of cards)


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