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Tree of Everlife Green

Posted by Sephalo on 27/11/2018

Faeria cost
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The deck is probably not done yet, but since I've just won 5 games in a row (at god rank 50ish) I felt like sharing it.

In all honesty, I think I'm 50/50 with this deck in win ratio from when I started trying.

I came across PDot and saw his version. Tried it out and decided to change a few major things. Ever since I've been playing this today and it's pretty effective against some decks.

The only decks that can be rough are yellow decks. That's why I started experimenting with the Destructive Volleys and I have to say I love them. I'm even thinking about adding a 3rd.

When the meta used to contain mainly Dream Reaver decks I used Emperor's Command instead to deal with the Libraries. But now that it's 75% flyers the volleys are absolutely awesome.

General gameplan:
I'm not too sure yet, but I usually do best when I play defensive until I get 5 forests. From that point on I try to get a few forests at tactically important positions near the opponent's wells.
I find that keeping one Kodama in my starting hand often works out for the best. Their body is great value and the ramp it creates for land control can be pretty sweet too.

I used my Radiance more often in a defensive way btw. But it's a great offensive tool too. My last game was a 2-shot with Radiance and a 10/10 Dwordia teleporting next to it. :) Big fun!

LAND TYPES (by number of cards)


FAERIA COST (by number of cards)

oxothebeast 27/11/2018 15:14

Hey Sephalo, i will try it dude :wink:

PDot 27/11/2018 22:46

Hey Sephalo, glad to see ive inspired a deck, ive generally found runnin to be underwhelming in the current meta, hope youve had better luck with him, but i found shozen to be a good way to stabalise the board, especially when running both elderwood and command as you sometimes tech in, interesting that you took out zephyr vulpine aswell. Im interested to see how much value wild avenger gets also, ill have to re run the deck :blush:

Sephalo 28/11/2018 12:18

Yeah, thanks a lot PDot for the inspiration!
I’m currently still running this deck and believe I ended at #44 yesterday.

I didn’t like Shozen that much. Actually got to play him 5 times but it always got killed before getting his swallow effect off. With your version I often found myself in a bad spot early on. The spiders didn’t work that well against the yellow decks (all creatures there have 3 or 4 hp) so it usually became a 3-cost 2 damage spell - which in my opinion can better be used with barrage then.

I have great succes with Ruunin, if I manage to obtain it early on. Because of Dash you can put him at annoying spots and force your opponent to trade. Allowing you to just resummon him. It’s also a nice Frogify bait before putting down ‘real’ threats.

The zephyr’s were really, really much fun to play with but they were not very impactful early on. I can imagine a buffed zephyr (by the tree) is awesome, but I much rather have the wild avengers early on. Twice the cost, that’s true - but a 5/10 taunt with (once again) dash 2 (i LOVE dash!!!) is really great. You can let them jump on an opponent’s land and obstruct more than just attackers.

The reason I use Time of Legends is to give me a slightly bigger chance to get Ruunin or Dwordia early. Those legends are awesome when you can get them early. Ruunin gets bigger the more often it does, and Dwordia can just bounce every turn to become big and force removal from the opponent or jump in for a big swing in the end-game.
If you get an other legend with Time of Legends it’s also not a big deal. Ulani can be great against red/yellow - forcing unfavorable trades.


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