- 3 1 Sagami Warrior 3
- 5 1 2 Ancient Boar 3
- 6 3 3 Crackthorn Beast 3
- 3 2 3 Grappling Hook 2
- 6 2 2 Emerald Salamand.. 3
- 5 1 2 Beast Trainer 3
- 5 1 Deepwood Grizzly 3
- 5 3 Ruunin, the Relentles.. 1
- 3 2 Deepwood Stalker 3
- 2 1 1 Path to Paradise 3
- 3 2 2 Hunt Down 3
This deck is best played as an aggressive Midrange Deck. Get lands near your opponent's Orb early while completely dominating one side of the board by establishing your foothold quickly, likely via Path to Paradise, and keeping up the aggression with mobile and/or bulky creatures while smothering your opponent's lands with all your Dashers. Path to Paradise is an excellent inclusion for opening up aggressive lines of play with your Dash creatures (Path + double neutral + Dash creature = a creature on your opponent's well by Turn 3).
Grappling Hook lets you pull units back if things get heated near your Orb, can help you develop a foothold on the opposite side of the board, or just provide great trades in general. It's also just a fun card in general. I thought it would be less consistent than it ended up being. I've seldom pulled a Grappling Hook I didn't like.
The Beast package is pretty self-explanatory, and Sagami Warriors are not only solid Turn 1 collectors, but also cheap, mobile units suitable for early aggressive pushes.
The inclusion of so many Dash creatures also lets you encroach on your opponent's lands easily, potentially smothering them in the mid-game and making Orb defense difficult, and makes positioning for Salamander plays easier.
I find this deck to be loads of fun, providing really cool mobility tricks and flexible lines of play without ignoring the entire board structure à la Yellow Flyers. Not to mention I get to play Crackthorn Beast, my all-time favorite card next to Soul Eater.
All in all, this deck is by no means a rocket ship to God Rank. I'd place it around Tier 2/2.5. But it's a fun, viable deck and I made it with love.