Jumping Swarm
Posted by ESofDawn on 22/02/2018
- 4 2 Triton Warrior 3
- 4 1 Water Elemental 3
- 4 2 Battle Toads 3
- 2 1 Earthcraft 3
- 4 2 Gift of the Rakoa 2
- 5 2 2 2 Frog-Tosser 3
- 4 4 Frogify 3
- 4 3 Aurora, Myth Maker 1
- 3 2 Elderwood Embrace 3
- 2 2 Ruunin's Guidance 3
- 4 1 1 1 Shifting Oc.. 3
Hey guys, I created this deck to counter Red Combat but it seems to perform really well against most matchups.
Swarm the board with your jumping creatures, take trades on your terms, control the board and eventually go for the win.
-Earthcraft allows you to surprise your opponent and value trade their creatures with your green buffs.
-Shifting octopus is a key creature in this deck, it's very flexible and can be useful in many situations, his default stats should be 3/5 + jump for this deck (this works best with frogify and buffs).
-Usually you can afford to fight on the same side against midrange decks (unless you have a bad hand), against control decks like gemshell or sac you might want to consider going to the opposite side and set up a 2/3 turn lethal to end the game quickly.
Mulligan: battle toads, triton warrior, water elemental.
you can keep earthcraft/aurora/embrace when you have another creature in hand.