World Boss: Dagdan, budget deck (common card only)
Posted by mareep on 17/10/2017
- 3 Safeguard 3
- 4 Queen's Favorite 1
- 2 1 Bone Collector 2
- 4 1 Wood Elemental 3
- 3 2 Wind Soldier 3
- 3 1 Demon Wing 2
- 3 Punishment 1
- 3 Storyteller 3
- 3 1 Elderwood Hermit 3
- 4 1 Fire Elemental 3
- 4 1 Air Elemental 3
- 3 Cutthroat Bandit 3
This deck is for the beginners like me. (I'm now level 45)
Here's my walkthrough.
Put the Bone Collector on the land in front of your god in 3 turns. Put other creatures on to guard your Bone Collector. The best partner may be Elderwood Hermit in the beginning. Try to enhance your Bone Collector with Elderwood Hermit's Death.
Dagdan destroy all the lands every 3rd turn. make sure your Bone Collector put on 2 wild land and a creature or put on 2 colorful land with the help of Elemental. You can also let Elderwood Hermit fall into the ocean. It depends.
Dagdan has The Greater Wisdom. It's a good chance to burn its cards with Storyteller when it uses The Greater Wisdom. Hold on until Dagdan's deck is empty.