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RY-Cycling Attack

Posted by Crojucuhus on 30/09/2017

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Update: Removed the 2 Flash Wind and 1 Seifer in place of 3 Path to Paradise. As expected, this card works beautifully in this deck. The deck plays much more smoothly now.

The point of this deck is to give a lot of attack buffs to your creatures and gain a lot of extra value by recycling the attack buffs with cards like Long-horned Yak, Rakoan Reveller, and Shaytan Monstrosity. The deck has worked out really well for me so far, but it does require focus on good land placement and Rakoan Chieftain positioning.

Despite the Forest requirement, Path to Paradise is great in this deck. Playing Rakoan Reveller on the land means that Path pays for itself in Faeria. The great thing about this card is that you can get more than one Path buff with Dash on Rakoan Chieftain and Haste on Wind Soldier. (If you choose to add Flash Wind to this deck you could get even more buffs.)

An additional benefit of this deck is that it doesn't really mind burn effects. Your low health creatures don't mind dying, and your other creatures all have 5+ health, so are out of range of even Frog Tosser and Bomb Slinger.

Try to start your hand with the neutral creatures or Rakoan Reveller as early faeria collectors. Build lands to one side, and try to get good value by placing buffed Long-Horned Yaks and Rakoan Revellers in front with Rakoan Chieftains supporting them. Try to get Shaytan Monstrosity out on board before Yaks and Revellers die to get even more value. However, Shaytan Monstrosity is not even always necessary. I've won many games just from recycling attack buffs on Yak and Reveller without even drawing a single Monstrosity.

Gift of Steel typically should go on the Yaks and Rakoan Revellers. You get at least double value on a Yak, or it pays for itself on Rakoan Reveller. CAP-10 has great stats and helps get more Gift of Steel into your hand.

Jester and Yak buffs are a bit random, but it's actually not too bad if the buffs end up on Shaytan Monstrosity or Rakoan Chieftain since they have good base stats for receiving buffs. The least ideal is if a buff lands on another Court Jester, but at least his taunt helps a bit.

Grappling Hook can provide opportunities for great plays. Remember that you don't have to move your creature if you want to keep it next to a Rakoan Chieftain.

Along with Crystal Flower, Wind Soldier is the current removal option of choice. It can deal massive damage with the buffs or by moving next to Rakoan Chieftain. It is much better if you have Shaytan Monstrosity on board. Otherwise, passing a Yak buff to Wind Soldier might feel less efficient than a creature that could stay on board longer.

Just imagine if you Gift of Steel a Yak and pass its buff to Wind Soldier all while Shaytan Monstrosity is on board. You get quadruple value out of that one buff! Now add a Rakoan Chieftain to the mix, and things get even further out of hand. The main downside to Wind Soldier is that land placement and creature positioning becomes even more important. It also can't be used in the first few turns or to remove creatures across the board, but the value generated in this deck should overcome this issue.

If you find it difficult to use Wind Soldier, consider traditional removal such as Seifer's Wrath, Soul Drain, etc. Bomb Slinger could even work with high attack that can buff Shaytan Monstrosity.

Finally, 1 Firestorm for some AOE just in case to round out the deck. This could be swapped for Garudan, which also gives a strong body that can benefit from buffs or feed Shaytan Monstrosity.

Cards to consider: Flash Wind for mobility, Seifer, Seifer's Wrath/Flame Burst for direct burn.

Note on Kobold Barracks: Rakoan Chieftain works much better as a mobile Barracks with 2 attack. Barracks just makes positioning everything much harder and can take up valuable land spaces you need.

Note on Steam Forge: It could work, but it's unreliable and sometimes makes positioning difficult.

Annoying matchups:
Combat decks are the hardest to deal with since you also often want to make combat trades.

Green decks with lots of buffs can put their creatures out of trade range, and huge threats are harder to clear off the board. Crystal Flower is your friend here.

Sky Yak decks require some care since you only have 1 Firestorm. Be careful when you play it.

Yellow Rush: The early pressure can be annoying for this mid range deck. Court Jester can actually help a lot with the taunt. Try to defend with Yak, Jester, Reveller in the first few turns. Use Path to help buff your defenders and accelerate towards Cap-10 or Rakoan Chieftain, who can help get you some breathing room. Stay defensive until you stabilize and cycling attack bonuses start to kick in. Then, switch to the offensive.

LAND TYPES (by number of cards)


FAERIA COST (by number of cards)


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