Soloing Oversky Boss: Dark Envoy (with Ulani AI)
Posted by Sunforger on 05/09/2017
- 3 Healing Song 2
- 3 2 Flame Burst 3
- 2 2 Seifer's Wrath 3
- 6 3 Last Nightmare 2
- 4 2 Choking Sand 3
- 9 2 Doomsday 1
- 3 2 Blood Singer 3
- 3 2 Derelict Tower 3
- 4 2 Firebomb 3
- 2 2 Soul Drain 3
- 7 2 Hellfire 3
- 2 4 Goki, Friendly Miner 1
Gaea's Navel boss, The Dark Envoy creates an Oblivion Rider whenever a creature dies. What better way to mitigate this condition than to use the most un-interactive deck in the meta right now:
Red-Yellow Events!!
Video link down below.
Soloing The Dark Envoy is doable with Ulani AI as your ally. She casts Flame Bursts and Frog-Tossers, which work pretty well against Oblivion Riders.
The aim is to set up your Blood Singers right next to the southernmost well, and snipe your way at the oncoming onslaught.
The enemy AI doesn't recognize Blood Singers as threats. Therefore, as long as Ulani's AI keeps casting dudes, your Singers are relatively safe.
P.S. My list had Doomsday as a reset button. However, I think Firestorm would have been a better choice.