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Hunger Games [Metashaker #4]

Posted by dDuh on 04/07/2017

Faeria cost
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My entry to the Metashaker.

Analysis of SS:
Soulbound Sagami suffers from 2 problems - the risk of a board clear and its high costs (paying 6 for a 3/5 with potential for a 6/10, the latter being slightly better than a Thyrian Golem). A common approach to these issues is the use of "Feed the Forest" as it can remove the danger of a board clear prior to the Last Words and reduces costs to 2 Faeria (1 if you discount the draw) for a 3/5 buff.

Other options are the Voice of Hunger as well as Mobility for value trades and collection. The VoH can turn the 6 cost investment into an 8/10 pay-off, but is slower and thus more vulnerable than FtF. The worth of mobility trades on the other hand is situational but at least reduces the chances for an undesired board clear (by enabling you to remain out of their range/reducing pressure and thus incentive to use broad removal if the board value is relatively low).

As I feel FtF is a common combination and this is aimed at shaking the Meta, my choice falls on a combination of VoH and Mobility.

Deck Discussion - Problems, Solutions and Synergy

To be of universal use the deck must be able to deal with all types of removal - dmg to a single creature, damage to the board and destruction/transformation. To do this it combines a variety of cheap creatures with health buffs. This reduces the value loss if a removal cannot be avoided and mitigates the removal risks as the game progresses (by spreading buffs over cheap creatures and draining removal prior to late game).

Tiki Piper, Elderwood Embrace, Sagami Grovecaller, Aurora and Battle Toads serve this purpose most directly. The Soulbound Sagami can then capitalize on this variety of targets. Aurora's Disciple and Gabrian Enchantment also add Synergy Value to this approach. The disciple itself should, however, not always be the primary or only target of buffs as it is a popular mark for hard removal (not including early game buffs against fireball/soul drain/falcon dive or value trades by buff.)

Naturally, our steroid tikis and toads can at best suffice until mid-game due to their low atk values - unless you went crazy with Aurora and Enchantments. A slightly stronger addition are the Soulbound Sagami itself (if it is buffed and enchanted) as well as the the Ancient Herald - who can not only deal with threats a bit better, but provides synergy value with its cost reduction for 7 cards (3VoH, 3SS and 1 Ancient Herald) and its health for the Voice of Hunger. Aurora's Disciple can - as we all know - also grow into a valuable addition to your forces (but usually falls to removal). Considering all the health buffs your biggest mid-to-late game hitter should normally be the Voice of Hunger (averaging 9-15 atk/def values). Its preferred target should be the Soulbound Sagami as you gain 8/10 for a 5 cost - which can end the game very quickly with mobility and should therefore not be considered any worse than the seemingly more efficient FtF trade.

Collection, surprise trades and orb attacks are all obvious advantages. For this deck its most notable boni are early board "control" for collection (addressing the cost problem of Sagamis), the increased probability for a good Sagami Value Trade, the Disciple Buff Synergy and a late game surprise attack with the Voice of Hunger or another buffed creature.

Shifting Tides, Prophet of Tides, Battle Toads and Sagami Grovecaller are your playmakers in this regard.

Frogify is a useful means of removal as it synergizes with Aurora's Disciple and its land requirements are already almost fulfilled. "Hold the line" is meant to help with rush, save you in that one decisive turn, provide another VoH target and buff the disciple.

Strategy wise it is also noteworthy that your high-health, low atk creatures act as a deterrent once you have both blue+green lands on the board. The opponent does not know that you are only running 2 GE after all.

Buffs, Reductions and Mobility should make for a flexible SS deck.
Growth is the theme - feeding buffs and enchantments to creatures and eating creatures with the Voice of Hunger. The soulbound sagami's primary role is as a sacrifice to the voice of hunger as this provides you with the greates value. The second option is a good trade that capitalizes on its Last Words. Lastly, you can also turn the SS into a formidable fighter itself - ideally using Tiki Pipers and Gabrian Enchantments.
Key cards are SS+VoH, Disciple+Enchantments and any creature that received a concentrated Aurora, Tiki and Enchantment buff.
Likely weakest against rush. Choking sand should be taken into account when playing Sagami.

LAND TYPES (by number of cards)


FAERIA COST (by number of cards)


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