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GY Handbuff Sacrifice
Posted by Quamobrem on 22/05/2017
- 7 Sharra, Dragonslayer 1
- 2 2 Bloomsprite 3
- 3 2 Spirit of Rebirth 3
- 5 3 Ruunin, the Relentles.. 1
- 3 2 Wind Soldier 3
- 2 1 Demon Wrangler 2
- 5 3 3 Soul Eater 3
- 2 Village Elder 1
- 5 2 Oakling 3
- 5 2 Eredon, Voice of All 1
- 6 3 Last Nightmare 2
- 3 2 Shaytan Assassin 3
- 1 2 Doomgate, Door to Obl.. 1
- 3 2 Deepwood Stalker 3
A grindier version of your usual GY Sacrifice deck, focusing on controlling the board with huge Deepwood Stalkers and Wind Soldiers, then winning with Soul Eater or swarms of enormous guys. Uses Spirit of Rebirth, Oakling, and Eredon rather than the usual suite of on-board buffs because of their synergy with Deepwood Stalker and Wind Soldier.
It just took me to God rank, so it seems like it's pretty good.
Switched difficulty to intermediate. I honestly have no real idea what is and isn't a hard deck to play in Faeria.
LAND TYPES (by number of cards)
FAERIA COST (by number of cards)
congratulations on getting to god-rank with your deck
This should be intermediate at most. However I have no idea how you got to god rank without healing in this deck, especially that it’s not too fast.
Thanks Decabytes.
And yeah Peshay, I honestly wasn’t really sure how to measure how difficult a deck is to play in Faeria. I’m a bit used to Magic, where it’s a bit more obvious because the easy decks just want to play seven burn spells and the hard decks want you to keep track of twelve ongoing variables as you cast your entire deck in one turn. I just noticed that I had to manage synergies and play really tightly against aggro in comparison to the other decks I’d mostly been playing.
Most of my losses were to fast aggro or chip damage from burn decks, so I probably could use some healing and will probably test that out.
Use Radiance, it’s pretty standard and awesome in sacrifice. I run Radiance in mine
I’d been thinking I should test Radiance in several lists, but wasn’t sure if I wanted to put down the crystals for it. I’ll make it my next building goal, though. Thanks for the advice.
haha, the deck looks totaly awesome! always great to see some homebrew decks on ladder!
I seriosly cant imagine how you got legend with that little early game, but well done for sure, congratz
3x oakling, but no feast and not to mention Sharra and ruunin against frogify… i got chills and nightmares just from imagining the value those gain -.-
3x shaytan assassin against emperors command. HOW did you make this work. Absolutely misterious and unbelievably awesome.
I think the main reason Ruunin ends up working is that the deck throws out so many must-remove threats. Most decks running Frogify tend to have three of those as their only real removal, so hitting Ruunin means they can’t hit all of my Soul Eaters and 7/9 Deepwood Stalkers.
Sharra, on the other hand, kind of didn’t end up working out as well as I wanted her to. The idea was that getting a few handbuffs on her would mean she’d also force hard removal, but in practice this was harder to pull off, and unlike the rest of the deck casting her without handbuffs almost always meant she traded down with something dealing three damage. I traded her for this Radiance that my level 90 reward decided to give me like an hour after that conversation with Peshay, and haven’t looked back lol.