B(F)G Illusions
Posted by flador on 18/05/2017
- 4 4 Frogify 2
- 5 3 Aurora's Creation 3
- 6 1 Ancient Herald 3
- 5 2 Oakling 3
- 2 1 Earthcraft 3
- 7 2 Illusion of Grandeur 3
- 2 2 Gabrian Enchantment 3
- 3 1 Dark Stalker 3
- 4 3 Aurora, Myth Maker 1
- 3 2 Living Willow 3
- 1 5 Feed the Forest 3
No, that F doesn't stand for "Friendly"...
Start lake, or forest if you have earthcraft to make a starting lake, but other than that land placement is very versatile (in general though I start from the side and build up to my opponent's wells). This list is highly combo based, but almost every card has synergy with others so the challenge isn't setting up the combos so much as it is using them correctly.
Every card in this deck has the potential to cost 1 or less via Ancient Herald or Aurora's Creation (best saved for Oakling/Ancient Herald). The Oakling hand buff is extremely powerful, especially because, if played right, it will also apply a large buff to all your Illusions. One of the most important combos is Oakling>Creation>Feed, which can give you a 6/10 (or 10/11 if you created Herald) that also buffs illusions.
Dark Stalker may be an unusual choice, but they are one of the core cards of the deck because you have so much cycling that they're almost always at 1 cost, and they make cheap collectors who can soak up burn (at your opponent's expense), while also making great subjects for Oakling buffs.