Y Fly & Smile!
Posted by Jeyzer on 17/05/2017
- 0 3 Khalim's Prayer 2
- 6 3 Last Nightmare 2
- 4 1 Drakkar Skycaptain 3
- 4 2 Dune Drake 2
- 0 3 Flash Wind 2
- 2 2 Iona, Beloved by All 1
- 2 2 Soul Drain 2
- 5 3 Khalim, Sky Prodigy 1
- 4 2 Khalim's Skyguard 3
- 3 2 Windborne Emissary 3
- 2 2 Sunsilk Faerie 2
- 2 2 Golden Aviary 2
- 3 1 Demon Wing 2
- 2 2 Iona's Smile 3
Fun flying deck made after the new Epic card: Iona's Smile came out.
The card not being available yet on the Hub, I put 3 hammers as placeholders.
Iona, beloved by all, is just here for the fun and to represent that S.M.I.L.E™, you can remove it if you want.
That deck is subject to change, I have yet to find ways to optimise it.
Be careful against GR they have a lot of soft removal aka direct damage (Deepwood Stalker, Seifer's Wrath, Groundshaker, Flame Burst, Garudan, Hellfire, Firestorm).
This deck is weak against pure green or red too.
You have quite a lot of X/3 and X/4 creatures to stay alive from most direct damage, but your creatures aren't strong enough to survive fights.
Mulligan for: Khalim, Iona (Beloved or smile) and Drakkar. Other creatures are fine too!
Try to play it rush, this deck has a low faeria cost, doesn't require a lot of lands and have a lot of aggressive potential with a S.M.I.L.E™ and the buffs from Drakkars and Aviary.
You can change the Demon Wings for Elem (but you don't need a lot of desert) or more consistensy (Get some cards x3 instead of x2).
Have fun and don't forget to S.M.I.L.E™ :)