RY Event Control
Posted by Shagric on 12/05/2017
- 3 Cartographer 3
- 3 2 Flame Burst 3
- 6 3 Groundshaker 3
- 3 2 Oradrim Fanatic 1
- 6 3 Last Nightmare 2
- 0 3 Flash Wind 3
- 2 2 Soul Drain 3
- 3 Outland Ranger 2
- 10 2 Garudan, Heart of the.. 1
- 5 3 Firestorm 1
- 5 3 Khalim, Sky Prodigy 1
- 10 2 Windstorm Colossus 2
- 2 1 Demon Wrangler 2
- 3 2 Windstorm Charger 3
Search for neutral/yellow opening, Carthographer, Outland Ranger and Windstorm Charger are your main targets. If you have Cartographer in hand, Demon Wrangler is a nice keep aswell.
Build up to two/two lands, then mostly use the draw option or faeria gain unless you need lands to trade. Further inte the match, try to place a dessert between the wells, on your opponents side, to have a good spot to drop your colossi and get aggro.
Gain control of the wells with movement tricks and removal, the explore events help a lot in landblocking or gap closing - the more you can use the wheel to draw more options, the better.
Finish with Colossi or Garudan.
Updated the list because of the influx of Blue Jump on ladder. Second AoE is a must have. Also dropped the Shaytan Assassin due to Emperors Command.. the card is unplayable now.
-Hold the Line!
-Shaytan Assassin
+Demon Wrangler
Update 26.05.2017
Just hit godrank, slow and steady playing only a few games each day, but i made it.
Blue/Red Bargain is pretty strong against this list, I added a second Last Nightmare, which helped a bit, but the huge creatures realy hurt. try "rushing" up one side against it.
Dropped some more matches against blue, once to bad starting hands (double colossi + last nightmare ftw..) and twice to a prophet + aurora temposwing i could not recover from. but overall the matchup still seems strongly in my favor.
Had an awesome match against red combat rush with tripple impirial drain, that one went back an forth for ages xD
Due to red/blue bargain, latest list was:
-Time of Legends
+Last Nightmare
im not sure on Outland Ranger vs Hold the Line!, both often feel clunky, the +1/+1 seldom makes a diffrence, but the body is easier to play because you get the event afterwards. 2/3 taunt + heal realy helps in rush matchups, but the fact that you have to spend one faria to for the event first makes it realy expensive. I tried one of each, but I'm still undecided :P
Updated the List, the prevalence of Blue Jump and Emperors Command made it nessecary…
100% winratio in a couple of games against rank 3 to 1 blue jump, so it seems to work fine
deck is now weaker against green, and rush, but i barely meet a different deck then blue…
If you loose to much against it, a second Last Nightmare may be a good choice. Perhaps cut time of legends, I’m unsure about that card anyway.
just hit godrank and updated the list:
-time of legends
+another last nightmare
reason beeing B/R Bargain which is a realy tough matchup.
reached godrank with:
#179 Shagric 162 / 106 1.53 60.45% 1676
So over 60% winratio in 268 games played, which I’m quiet happy with. Tried some fun decks at rank 10 and 5 for about 50 games (which i mostly lost xD), so i guess for this list the ratio should be around 65-70% which is pretty good i think.