FWC Point Tracker - Season of Aurora 2018
Here you'll find the full list of FWC Point holders for the Season of Aurora, 2018.
The Faeria World Circuit is a seasonal based competition where players earn points by participating in the in-game monthly ranked ladder, bi-weekly Championship League tournaments, and sanctioned community tournaments. After each season, the players with the most points compete in the Seasonal Cup.
Current Season: Season of Aurora
- Season ends: March 31st, 2018.
- Seasonal Cup: April 7th 2018.
The 32 players with the highest amount of FWC Points at the end of the season will compete in the Seasonal Cup for $2500 in prizes. The FWC Seasonal Cup is a single elimination, Best of 5 Pantheon tournament where players are seeded according to FWC Point totals.
FWC Point Rankings
(Last updated Sunday, April 1st)
- xged - 473
- Minocaro - 430
- Alvar - 410
- happyjo - 403
- Sunekichi - 400
- MrTea - 365
- ChiefBromden - 285
- ChaeHolic - 280
- xYotsuba - 275
- tarou - 273
- Donpork - 263
- ESofDawn - 260
- SuperbLizard - 255
- gsg0222 - 248
- Masaka - 220
- Teddy - 220
- himehiko - 218
- Heavy - 215
- Dilgarno - 200
- skc - 190
- jyori - 178
- Amoeba - 176
- RaiZo - 173
- Werfs - 168
- parashara - 165
- Rundong - 158
- Vorron - 158
- Zarrockar - 150
- Jungwoo - 125
- CaptainG - 116
- Calussien - 110
- hunter - 103
- -- QUALIFICATION CUTOFF (see Ties for details) --
- HJME 100
- Hadryel - 100
- Leukos - 99
- IWinAgain - 90
- lxl - 90
- kodlaci - 80
- OrcinusOrca - 75
- Cappuccino - 70
- Chriscross - 70
- Zorni - 65
- Bthi - 60
- P_Rein - 60
- xyz - 60
- Kingdanzz - 55
- ranma - 51
- MUTEI - 43
- Maihem - 43
- s_t_0 - 43
- Shagric - 30
- Fossan - 28
- evgeney24 - 25
- leo_socker - 18
- DystaD - 16
- Fucboi - 15
- PyperAmerica - 15
- Zutaca - 15
- franklin3113 - 15
- Nvra - 13
- Sulphur - 13
- Lhamhuerthe - 11
- Xoy75 - 11
- FoxRo - 10
- Lijumaru - 10
- Luuu90 - 10
- Mivvv - 10
- Panstrunska - 10
- lbrande - 10
- nenza - 10
- xploring - 10
- Dazrick - 9
- Justahorse - 9
- CHORRO - 8
- Melmanboy - 8
- Miscoa - 8
- Siiwy - 8
- Veee - 8
- dazahk - 8
- v3tec - 8
- Kingfuzius - 6
- Menedil - 6
- Modgnik - 6
- carlotootz - 6
- mansyfan - 6
- DingVing - 5
- Durand - 5
- Hieldberg - 5
- LittlePeewee - 5
- Loktar - 5
- OthalaBor - 5
- PewQ - 5
- Saturas - 5
- SireTimothy - 5
- Summerflame - 5
- Wyrmbeard - 5
- kanthik - 5
- omegaJT2 - 5
- shpagZZZa - 5
- sith_lord - 5
- volfied - 5
- xerobath - 5
- 10302311 - 3
- Adza - 3
- BattleSloth - 3
- Columnity - 3
- D-Dragon-S - 3
- Discool - 3
- GenericName - 3
- Grickshaft - 3
- Grogore - 3
- Kahilian - 3
- Khold - 3
- Kraenk - 3
- M9000 - 3
- NeedU - 3
- ObsidianB - 3
- Protolisk - 3
- Swatblues - 3
- Temprian - 3
- Theo_Arkhon - 3
- TiddyClerk - 3
- ataaaa 3
- heaphen 3
- kronics 3
FWC Cardback
Any player that makes their way to the top 32 in FWC Points at the end of a season will earn the following cardback. If there are multiple ties for the last slot, all of those players will earn the cardback.
This cardback is exclusive to the FWC and can only be obtained by achieving this in any season. Achieving top 32 in multiple seasons does not award an extra cardback or prize.
Earning points:
Monthly Ranked ladder points
The seasonal ladder normally resets on the first Monday of each month, at 12pm Noon CEST(or CET). At the time of the season reset, standings are recorded and the top 25 players earn FWC Points. Players with multiple accounts are only counted once.
Points are awarded as follows:
- 1st-10th - 100
- 11th-20th - 75
- 21st-25th - 60
Monthly ladder points count toward the current season in progress on the date of the reset itself.
This means there are three sets of monthly ladder points awarded per season. For the Season of Aurora, these will be the monthly resets in January, February, and March.
Championship League points
Twice per month, official Championship League tournaments take place.
These tournaments offer cash prizes of $400 total!
Season of Aurora Championship League Tournaments:
- N/A
- Aurora Open #1 - Saturday, February 10th
- 18:00 CEST
- Aurora Open #2 - Saturday, February 24th
- 12:00 CEST
- Aurora Open #3 - Saturday, March 10th
- 18:00 CEST
- Aurora Open #4 - Saturday, March 24th
- 12:00 CEST
FWC Championship League tournaments award the following amount of FWC points:
- 1st: 100
- 2nd: 75
- 3rd: 60
- 4th: 40
- 5th-8th: 25
- 9th-16th: 10
- 17th-32nd: 5
- 33rd-64th: 3
- Points are only awarded after the first round.
- This means that in a tournament with 64 players or less, points are only awarded starting at places 17th-32nd.
- Byes count as advancing into the next round and earning points.
- You must complete at least one match to earn any points.
- (You cannot sign up, receive a Bye, then forfeit and earn points)
Community tournament points
Community tournaments can become officially sanctioned according to these guidelines.
Sanctioned community tournaments award FWC Points that scale based on the number of participants:
8+ participants:
- 1st place: 15
- 2nd place: 10
- 3rd Place: 5
16+ participants:
- 1st place: 25
- 2nd place: 20
- 3rd Place: 15
- 4th Place: 10
- 5th-8th Place: 6
32+ participants:
- 1st place: 40
- 2nd place: 30
- 3rd Place: 20
- 4th Place: 15
- 5th-8th Place: 10
- Tying for Elo on seasonal resets:
- All tied players get the same amount of points for their ranking slot.
- Tying in FWC Points for the Seasonal Cup:
- Tied players will compete in an officially spectated Bo3 in as large a bracket as necessary.
List of Championship League Tournaments
List of sanctioned tournaments, Aurora 2018
- Manta Cup 4
- Manta Cup 5
- Manta Cup 6
- Dream Cup 7
- T4FC: Pauper Power #1
- T4FC: Wild West #1
- Hex Templar: Premier
- T4FC: Mono Mania #1
- Hex Templar #2
List of ladder points, Aurora 2018
The season of Aurora encompasses three ladder resets: January, February, and March.
- hunter - 100
- ChaeHolic - 100
- Alvar - 100
- Minocaro - 100
- ESofDawn - 100
- Hadryel - 100
- Teddy - 100
- Masaka - 100
- xged - 100
- Sunekichi - 100
- Vorron - 75
- skc - 75
- SuperbLizard - 75
- happyjo - 75
- Donpork - 75
- gsg0222 - 75
- Zarrockar - 75
- Ruundong - 75
- MrTea - 75
- tarou - 75
- xyz - 60
- himehiko - 60
- Chriscross - 60
- Bthi - 60
- P_Rein - 60
- Teddy - 100
- Minocaro - 100
- Masaka - 100
- Sunekichi - 100
- Alvar - 100
- xYotsuba - 100
- Amoeba - 100
- ESofDawn - 100
- SuperbLizard - 100
- gsg0222 - 100
- Dilgarno - 100
- xged - 75
- HJME - 75
- happyjo - 75
- jyori - 75
- Heavy - 75
- ChiefBromden - 75
- Zarrockar - 75
- tarou - 75
- IWinAgain - 75
- ChaeHolic - 60
- kodlaci - 60
- Werfs - 60
- Donpork - 60
- MrTea - 60
- Jungwoo - 100
- Minocaro - 100
- Alvar - 100
- xYotsuba - 100
- ChiefBromden - 100
- xged - 100
- RaiZo - 100
- Sunekichi - 100
- parashara - 100
- happyjo - 100
- SuperbLizard - 75
- MrTea - 75
- skc - 75
- Vorron - 75
- ChaeHolic - 75
- Donpork - 75
- Werfs - 75
- himehiko - 75
- OrcinusOrca - 75
- Heavy - 75
- jyori - 60
- Rundong - 60
- gsg0222 - 60
- tarou - 60
- Cappuccino - 60
Could somebody update this ■■■■ already?
The Hub version of this post is being updated after each weekend but this Boards version won’t show the updates.
The Open just happened and Atmaz was away at GDC, but he made a post this morning saying he will be updating it when he is able to. Just need to have a bit of patience for today or tomorrow.
Yes, please be sure to check the version on the Hub instead of the boards post. Sorry, it does not track properly.
The funny thing is I didn’t even know that this board site existed. I posted my message on the hub, which was also late by 2 weeks, but I see now that the messages on the hub can be also seen here.
Everything you comment here can be seen on hub and vica versa.
I meant the hub one.